I recently purchased a MACBook PRO and running Qemulator I find that the keyrow function does not work at all but the inkey$ does :(
I use this simple program to test, but to no avail, the key character and code number crop up but no key row numbers.
10130 CLS
10140 REPeat loop
10150 CURSOR 0,100
10160 FOR f=0 TO 7
10170 PRINT "Keyrow ";f,KEYROW(f);" "
10180 NEXT f
10190 A$=INKEY$
10200 IF A$=CHR$(27) THEN EXIT loop
10210 PRINT " Key - ";A$;" ";CODE(A$);" "
10220 END REPeat loop
The next thing I tried was on my iMAC which is about three years old and hey presto the same program works perfectly, and it registers the keys, function ones (F1 etc.) as well as reporting appropriate numbers.
Both systems are running OSX Lion
So what is happening, why should the Laptop erghhmmn, 'the Macbook' keyboard be any different to the iMAC. Very very strange indeed.