When programming stuff early on the QL, sometimes it is useful to display the character set. Here is another straight forward procedure to display the QL character set, I have deliberately made it simplistic, so newbies or re-newbies will have to adjust 10070 to suit other character sets.
10010 DEFine PROCedure char
10020 OPEN#5, scr_
10030 WINDOW#5, 512,256,0,0
10040 PAPER#5, 7:INK#5, 0
10050 CLS#5: CSIZE#5, 3,0
10060 PRINT#5, VER$
10070 FOR f=32 TO 287
10080 PRINT#5, " ";CHR$(f);
10090 NEXT f
10100 CLOSE#5
10110 END DEFine
A screen shot from Qemulator on the MAC on which it was run is available here vvvvvvvvvv